Always carry a small pocket knife in your bathing suit. This way if you are in any real danger from a shark attack you can cut the person closest to you and the shark will attack them first.
A handy tip in the event of a shark attack is to pick up small children and toss them ovet your shoulder on the way back to the beach.
if you come face to face with a shark in the water it is rumoured that the best things to do is try and poke the shark in the eyes. This is a lie. The best way to survive in this sitsuation is to tickle the shark under the mouth. This drive sharks crazy and you will soon see nothing more than foamy water as the shark swims very fast in the opposite direction of you.
If you are unlycky enough to be attacked by a shark and find yourself with missing limbs or a nasty bite, always remember DON`T PANIC!!! Nothing gets the blood flowing faster than someone acting like a cry baby.
The best treatment for a shark bite is a liberal dose of vinegar, white or brown will suffice. This treatment is also common with jelly fish stings and plane crashes.